Scott Mills: ‘One Direction fans’ screams made someone vomit
It seems it’s not just the health of One Direction that’s affected by the screams of their fans.
In August Louis Tomlinson
admitted that the screams of Directioners had actually left him
slightly deaf in his right ear, but apparently the noise is also making
people that have to work with them, actually, proper, sick.
Speaking at the Radio 1 Teen Awards yesterday, Scott Mills seemed rather worried about how we were going to cope when One Direction made their eagerly anticipated walk down the red carpet yesterday.
At first we laughed him off, but Scott, it emerged, was deadly serious.
“You’re going to need earplugs – did you bring any?” he asked us.
“I thought about it because when One D walk up this carpet… A member
of Radio 1 staff was actually sick last year because of the screaming,
actually physically sick, so I’m slightly concerned about that, so I’m
going to head in before that happens.”
We have to admit, it was pretty deafening, but we’re made of stronger
stuff than that here at heatworld… we’ve got all the goss from the
awards to bring you, after all.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww louis <3